Greetings and welcome to our 2024-25 school year!

Greetings and welcome to our 2024-25 school year!

School personnel at Grand Arts are very excited to welcome you to an exciting and productive year full of educational and personal growth!

Monday, August 12th is a regular day with periods Homeroom, 1, 2, lunch, 3 & 4.

Students must be in their Homeroom by 8:30AM, and the school day will be over by 3:28PM.

Students with access to Schoology will be able to see their classes and classrooms through their portal.

Students new to the District, without a Schoology account, will report to their Homeroom, where they will receive a hardcopy of their classes.

Rosters with students’ names and their Homeroom will be posted near the entrance of our beautiful campus.

Have a Grand Arts Day!