Governance » Local School Leadership Council

Local School Leadership Council

Local School Leadership Council - Meets once a month on Thursdays
Location: Zoom
Time: 3:45pm - 5:00pm
Zoom Meeting ID: 704 134 8477
Link to join:

The Local School Leadership Council (LSLC) is a shared decision-making body, composed of elected parents, students, administrators, and teachers/staff. The LSLC works cooperatively to make decisions in these areas: 1) School calendar 2) Professional development schedule 3) Budget for instructional materials, 4) Student discipline guidelines 5) Guidance for school equipment

LSLC Meeting Dates: 
#1 August 15 - Thursday/jueves
#2 September 19 - Thursday/jueves
#3 October 17 - Thursday/jueves
#4 November 14 - Thursday/jueves
#5 January 16 - Thursday/jueves
#6 February 20 - Thursday/jueves
#7 March 13 - Thursday/jueves
#8 April 10- Thursday/jueves
#9 May 15- Thursday/jueves